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Percursos Turístico-Culturais e Criatividade: Que futuro para a relação entre turismo-cultura-estatuária?
     Percursos Turístico-Culturais e Criatividade: Que futuro para a relação entre turismo-cultura-estatuária?

Henriques, Cláudia
ESGHT/Universidade do Algarve
Moreira, Maria Cristina
Universidade do Minho

Periódico: Tourism & Management Studies

Fonte: Revista Encontros Científicos - Tourism & Management Studies; Vol 3 (2007); 134-145


Resumo: The present article intends to consider the challenges that the structuring of a tourist-cultural route between Brazilian and Portuguese cities can have in the development of tourist experiences leading to the learning of the relationship between peoples of different countries but with common cultures. It also intends to investigate the receptivity of the residents of two cities (Rio de Janeiro and Oporto) to the structuring of tourist-cultural routes. Consequently, it presents the conclusions of the analysis of a questionnaire carried out in these two cities based in two statues.