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Tourism planning and development- An analysis of Chapada Diamantina
     Tourism planning and development- An analysis of Chapada Diamantina

Cardona, Nina Maria Frederico
Superior Institute UNYAHNA
Costa, Carlos
University of Aveiro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 19 (2013); 135-147


Resumo: Planning is an essential activity for the tourism sustainable development. In Brazil, the strategic decisions concerning the activity are taken on a national level by the Ministry of Tourism. This organ is responsible for the establishment of the National Tourism Policy (PNT) and the correspondent means by which this policy is applied. Therefore, it is the aim of this analysis to study the touristic decentralization of Brazil, according to the PNT 2003-2007, and the link between what is planned on a national level and the reality of the touristic activity in the Chapada Diamantina. This analysis is made with the purpose of finding the main difficulties suffered by the region (Chapada Diamantina) in what concerns to the implementation of the national guidelines for the touristic planning activities. The investigation was performed with the analysis of the major national projects in tourism and through interviews made to the local public organs, in order to establish the correspondence between the national guidelines and the local touristic reality. The survey resulted in the confirmation of the hypothesis that, despite the national touristic programs present concerns about the quality and sustainability of tourism, they will ultimately not achieve their objectives because, at the local level, actions are not properly implemented.