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Tourism, City and Heritage in contemporary times
     Tourism, City and Heritage in contemporary times

Gagliardi, Clarissa
Universidade de São Paulo

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 26 (2016); 113-125


Resumo: The text attempts to identify the transversality between heritage, urban and tourist policies in Brazil, based on the analysis of programs of national scope and local experiences in some of Brazilian cities. Even when the different dimensions are coordinated, the cities demonstrate difficulties in conceivingsuch policies in an integrated manner, taking into account the demands of the groups directly or indirectly involved with the aforementioned operations. If in the 1930s, when the first evidence of association between market actions and the preservation of heritage arose, the project of building a national identity was in vogue, today the enterprise has advanced towards major market operations, introducing a contemporary problem in the tourism-city-heritage connection, the key from which the theme is analyzed.