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From railway to cycling: Lost chance or future expectation?
     From railway to cycling: Lost chance or future expectation?

Bakogiannis, Efthimios
University of Athens, (Greece)
Siti, Maria
University of Athens, (Greece)
Christodoulopoulou, Georgia
University of Athens, (Greece)

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 4, n. 21/22 (2014); 409-419


Resumo: National rail networks are under serious transformations. While new, technologically advanced rails are being built, old lines are left abandoned. This change reveals the opportunity for alternative uses on the derelict network, as it stands on historical routes and penetrates notable settlements. Alternative tourism models promote walking and cycling as a key element of recreational activities. Derelict rail lines are being reused worldwide, through regeneration schemes in the rural environment. The aim of this paper is to explore the prospects of the transformation of rail lines into redeveloped walking and cycling paths under the wider scope of cycle tourism and integrated programs of abandoned rail lines utilization. This is an ongoing research and an overview of expected results is presented.