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Governança para o desenvolvimento sustentável de destinos turísticos
     Governança para o desenvolvimento sustentável de destinos turísticos

Fernandes, Sandra Maria Neiva
Universidade de Aveiro Grupo de Ação Costeira do Litoral Norte na Comunidade Intermunicipal do Minho-Lima (CIM Alto Minho)
Eusébio, Maria Celeste de Aguiar
Universidade de Aveiro Membro da Unidade de Investigação GOVCOPP

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 3, n. 21/22 (2014); 249-261


Resumo: Managing a destination involves a large number of local actors with individual interests, which will benefit from joint activities. Currently the concept of governance is a constant in the tourism academic literature, however, despite its importance; there are many doubts related with its definition and its role on sustainable development of tourism destinations. In this sense, the present article aims to review the state of the art about the role of governance for the sustainable development of tourism destinations. A research on SCOPUS database, along March 2013, concerning articles published about tourism governance and sustainable development was carried out. The approach to this subject has increased since 2006, and the investigations comprise distinct areas, such as Australia, Turkey and Portugal. Concerning methodology it has been verified that qualitative analysis was the most used by the researchers. The results obtained in this paper show that the success of sustainable development for tourism destinations depends of local actors’ participation, but, also, of realistic politics implementation that takes in accounts the destination resources and characteristics, as well as stakeholders needs and perceptions. Based on the obtained results some ideas for future research about the governance role on sustainable development of tourism destinations are presented.