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Tourism, Archeology and Development. Management of Archaeological Areas with a touristic purpose: the case of Conimbriga
     Tourism, Archeology and Development. Management of Archaeological Areas with a touristic purpose: the case of Conimbriga

Carbone, Fabio
Lusófona University of Porto

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 15 (2011); 103-115


Resumo: Archaeological heritage and the production of historical and cultural information linked with archaeology, lead to the consideration of better ways for the optimization of its management and socioeconomic and cultural function. Tourism represents an instrument of valorisation and promotion of this heritage, but we need to constantly enquire about the quality of the management models implemented for this process. This article is about the archaeological heritage management: based on the management quality analyses of Conimbriga, a Portuguese archaeological area, is exposed an integrated strategic model reflecting the ambition to give to archaeological heritage, and Archaeology itself, a new role into the sustainable development process through its association with Tourism.