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The Economic Importance of Tourism
     The Economic Importance of Tourism

Cabugueira, Artur
University of Trás-os-Montes e Aldo Douro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 4 (2005); 97-104


Resumo: Tourism is one of the most important powers in the world.It plays a decisive role concerning the development of certain regions where no other alternatives are found to achieve such aim.In this article, some economical impacts of tourism are analysed both individually and collectively, namely those concerning nationalincome and Employment in the Balance of Payments and in the Governments' Revenue.An approach of the multiplying of tourism is also made; this technique is used to estimate the continuous impacts of the tourism expenses in Economy.Same aspects related to the importance of tourism in the regional growth and development are going to be mentioned. So, it was confirmed that tourism may increase the natural, historical and cultural potentialities of the most depressed areas.However, it was added that it is not tourism itself which increases the development of certain country or region; it is the level of development of the country or region which turns tourism into a favourable or non favourable activity to such process.Finally, the question related to the role played by tourism in the regional economical development of the developed countries, through the redistribution of national income for the benefit of touristical regions, was also mentioned.Concerning this subject, the classical view of the 'convergence', which defends that tourism contributes to a standardization of the economical development among countries, was critically analysed.It was concluded that tourism is important for the development, however, this does not only depend exclusively on it, but also on the development level of the other economy sectors.