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The disabled person as a tourist
     The disabled person as a tourist

Trindade, Maria Nazaré
University of Aveiro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 1 (2004); 73-79


Resumo: Framed in the recent quality, defferentiation and accessibility orientations in the tourism sector, an effort was made to estimate the importance of a disabled person as a potential tourist. In order to reach the main purpose, a research work was accomplished with the intent of analysing the disabled tourist's demand; identify the existing barriers/constraints in the tourism sector to their activeparticipation, the applicable consequences and their specific needs, based on the Technical Norms to the Improvement of Shortened Mobility Individual's Accessibility. The research endeavoured on assessing the awareness of the hotel trade proficients towards this tourit's needs, as well as their acquaintance of the specific legislation that is in force, and appropriate actions that were or are to be carried out. Concurrently, the research found out about the level of accessibility and adaptation of the hotel.