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Brazil in the scenario of contemporary international research in hospitality: the opportunity to break borders and the creation of a collaborative network of studies and research
     Brazil in the scenario of contemporary international research in hospitality: the opportunity to break borders and the creation of a collaborative network of studies and research

Spolon, Ana Paula
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Brusadin, Leandro
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 26 (2016); 47-64


Resumo: This article aims at showing how researches in hospitality carried out over the last 25 years in Brazil have matured to the point of being able to feature in relevant positions among studies developed in other parts of the world, previously produced mostly made by American, British and French researchers under the influence of different currents of applied human and social thought. The state of relative linguistic – on behalf of the access, to some extent, to publications in other languages, among them English and French – and epistemological freedom – which allows one to escape from the so called tyranny of epistemic dominance – from the Brazilian community of researchers in hospitality, has allowed Brazilian researchers to go more deeply into the issue as well as signalized the possibility of taking the country higher up to a relevant position in the international scenario of research in hospitality. This conclusion has been reached from the direct research on the most important productions related tothe theme in English, French and Portuguese, during the period between 1990 and 2014. Although the theoretical-methodological gap between these two productions is recurrent, there are connections between their publications of reference. The results have shown that there is a worldwide network ofstudies and researches whose organization standards have started, little by little, to favour the effective transfer of knowledge between researchers, despite the fact these relations are still incipient. In this sense, our indicators identify that a group of Brazilian researchers has established points of connection between different geographic, linguistic and epistemological domains, which may contribute to the effective building of an international network of research in hospitality. The Social Network Analysis (SNA) software YEd (YWorks) was used to analyse data, which were systematized from the application of quotation analysis methodology.