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'Portugal at Table' Food Heritage , Identity and Tradition : the tourist gaze
     'Portugal at Table' Food Heritage , Identity and Tradition : the tourist gaze

Araújo, Maria José

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 35 (2021); 243-257


Resumo: Portugal is a set of regional cuisines and it is in this set that lies the true value of its cuisine, marked by knowledges, tastes and flavours of traditional cuisine, passed down from generation to generation, based on feelings of sharing and conviviality habits. Based on a printed recipe book 'Portugal à Mesa - Traditional Gastronomy' we proceeded an in-depth analysis of the book´s structure, of all its dishes, representing traditional Portuguese gastronomy, its ingredients and seasonings and preparation and cooking methods used. The publication of this recipe book in five foreign languages available in touristic strategic points, is a privileged and materialized form of communicating our food and gastronomic heritage to those who visit us, allowing, through a material medium - a recipe book, the extension of the memory and the relationship with the destination. Since Portugal has been included, since 2013, in the list of Intangible Heritage of Humanity with the Mediterranean Diet, it was intended to observe in this source the prevalence of this Diet, regarding Portuguese food heritage and other identity factors that this diet includes, and also whether this recipe book promotes an adequate communicational perspective of this set of cuisines and territories that shape our food identity. Tourism is, above all, a way of knowing and understanding other cultures, promoting the encounter between what 'we' offer and what 'others'are culturally predisposed to experience and appreciate, and there are few ways to do so in such an authentic way as through gastronomy.