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“Destination Cuba” – Hospitality and Tourism Education, Training Strategy and Challenges
     “Destination Cuba” – Hospitality and Tourism Education, Training Strategy and Challenges

Wood, Pat
London Metropolitan University

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 7,8 (2007); 221-228


Resumo: Analyses the recent developments in Cuban hospitality and tourism education, specifically the introduction of a tourism undergraduate degree in 2002-03 and the influence this may have for the status of the tourism industry and the workforce in Cuba and the region. Important aspects of this development will be examined including potential changes for the workforce, the development and competition of the industry nationally and regionally together with the impact for the best practice disaster management strategy. The discussion is informed by current data and views from Cuban partners, policy makers, practitioners and the workforce, over three years in Cuba and UK. Cuba continues to be one of the most mystical tourist destinations in the world with a phenomenal growth rate during the recent years. The current academic developments suggest an important advance in Cuba with a potential impact for Caribbean tourism.