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Implementation of eco-tourist underwater routs in the Algarve (South of Portugal) as a way of preserving exuberant marine ecosystems
     Implementation of eco-tourist underwater routs in the Algarve (South of Portugal) as a way of preserving exuberant marine ecosystems

Oliveira, Mafalda Rangel
Univ. de Aveiro
Gonçalves, Jorge
University of Algarve
Costa, Carlos
University of Aveiro
Leite, Laura Diniz
University of Algarve
Erzini, Karim
University of Algarve

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 3, n. 13,14 (2010): INVTUR 2010 Intl' Conference - Abstracts; 1161-1162


Resumo: The aim of this ongoing project (EcoSub) is to describe the underwater tourism in the Algarve Region (South of Portugal), aiming its transformation into sustainable eco-tourism.