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The Importance of the Internet in Travel Planning and Destination Choice of the Independent Traveller
     The Importance of the Internet in Travel Planning and Destination Choice of the Independent Traveller

Easton, Gavin
Univ. de Aveiro
Koo, Kyung Yeo
Hanyang University

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 7,8 (2007); 165-184


Resumo: This paper sees the Internet as an important source of information for independent travellers, but that it is predominantly used in conjunction with more traditional information sources. It also concludes that the Internet cannot be considered as a single resource, as the Internet has the ability to transcend the divides between commerciality and personalisation. In order to establish this importance, and the contribution that the Internet has made to the way in which independent travellers select their destinations, a quantitative survey of independent travellers was conducted. This survey investigated the relationships between the Internet and destination choice by testing a series of hypotheses. This study explores the importance of this technology to the independent traveller, and how use of the Internet as a tool for the distribution of information on a destination can have a bearing on the independent travellers’ decision-making and planning processes.