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Cultural Heritage and Tourism: A Symbiotic Relationship. Analysis of two touristic cultural routes: James Joyce and Fernando Pessoa
     Cultural Heritage and Tourism: A Symbiotic Relationship. Analysis of two touristic cultural routes: James Joyce and Fernando Pessoa

Henriques, Cláudia
University of Algarve

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 10 (2008); 25-39


Resumo: Cultural Tourism is a reality in the ascendant. Despite both the multiplicity of definitions that can be found and the diversity of cultural tourism types able to be enunciated, the relation between tourism and culture whilst a symbiotic one, may be questioned, namely in the context of the touristification processes of culture and spaces.The two touristic routes associated to James Joyce and Fernando Pessoa in the cities of Dublin and Lisbon respectively, can be considered as examples, which the present article turns to in order to reflect up on the relation between, tourism and cultural heritage, and more specifically, the statuary and literary heritage.