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Tourism and Lusophony
     Tourism and Lusophony

Trigo, Luiz
University of São Paulo

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 20 (2013); 135-149


Resumo: This article analyses the differences of language between the countries where the Portuguese is a common language. The local cultures, the environment, the developments of each history and economy implies in different ways of written and oral expressions, even in a common language. The roots of a culture are transformed, through history, in several branches of expressions with specific characteristics, thanks to the human cultural richness. It is very important to understand the mainstream of this cultures, since the earliest texts of each people to the contemporary imaginary which is made from books, oral tradition, jokes and games, all the different ways of art, mass media, travel and tourism, trade, conflicts and, last but not least, the nowadays virtual tools of communication and expression. Tourism flourishes in this field of cultural trends and challenges, dealing with the most exciting raw material: people and their realities, desires, fears and dreams.