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Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Development- The Conventual Confectionery of Douro Litoral
     Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Development- The Conventual Confectionery of Douro Litoral

Baptista, Maria Manuel Rocha Teixeira
University of Aveiro
Durão, Marília Sofia Ferreira
University of Aveiro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 15 (2011); 117-131


Resumo: Portugal is one of the world’s oldest nations, where several people have left their mark, possessing a vast and magnificent cultural heritage. The fruition and valorisation of this heritage relies, undeniably, on tourism, as well as tourism can not exist without these resources, in which it depends on. Thus, the touristic supply must be compatible with each cultural context, allowing the access of tourism to different cultural expressions, but also preventing its standardization or embellishment for touristic ends, in such a way that they are no longer representative of their own culture. The diversity of Portuguese Traditional Cuisine is one of the most valued resources by those who visit our country. This variety is even more perceivable in the sweets’ domain, in particular those which born in a conventual context, guaranteeing the foundations for popular, local and homemade sweets. With great potentialities, these dainties can be re valued and divulged by tourism, providing surplus values, not only for visitors, but also for local communities, when explored in a conscious and sustainable way.