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Schist Villages Programme: The Path to Mountain Tourism
     Schist Villages Programme: The Path to Mountain Tourism

Carvalho, Armando Ferrão de
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 6 (2006); 27-30


Resumo: The Schist Villages Programme (PAX) was developed as one of the programmes of the 'Integrated Territorial Base Action of Pinhal Interior'. It composes three strategic lines of intervention, together with the beach territorial valorization programme and the establishment of a routes’ network. The overall objective of this action is the development of brands that identify and allow the promotion of the territory.The development of this work intends to introduce PAX and its performance under the concept of sustainability. It is based on human factor and the residents’ quality of life, patrimonial value, the economic stimulus for small economic activities, and, mainly on the 'scale' factor as determinant for the creation of a brand image linked to territory. This set of initiatives aims to transform a 'programme' that is essentially a financial and strategic instrument into a 'network,' that is intended to be the main 'brand' of a vast territory.