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Animação, tradição e cultura como fatores de preservação da memória e desenvolvimento rural
     Animação, tradição e cultura como fatores de preservação da memória e desenvolvimento rural

Cunha, Maria José dos Santos
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 3, n. 17/18 (2012); 1347-1356


Resumo: For over half a century, the rural world has known multiple transformations, some of which have led to the fact that part of the territories included within it has assumed more or less profound processes of reinvention and recreation. The same goes for Paredes do Rio, a village from the Barroso region, located in the parish of Covelães, county of Montalegre, and which is the subject of the present paper. In this work, we intend to present a research project born out of the fascination and interest we have for the Barroso region. With it, we sought to find answers to the question which was then raised, in order to know whether the revitalization of traditions, provided that it would be combined with culture and entertainment, could be a focus for attracting tourists to that village. The methodology used in the research was quantitative in nature, using the questionnaire survey, and the results achieved reflect that the dynamics of experiences and cultural livings, such as recreating traditions, allow visitors living a social-cultural experience that materializes in the affection and in the way they are welcomed. The results confirm the initial hypothesis; it is, however, for the community to decide the path it wishes to take, in the certainty that, if that path is tourism, it has to prepare for the challenges that this decision poses.