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Sustentabilidade do turismo no Nordeste do Brasil: o diferencial do Rio Grande do Norte
     Sustentabilidade do turismo no Nordeste do Brasil: o diferencial do Rio Grande do Norte

Brito, Marcilio Lins de Medeiros
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) (Brasil) Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) / Brasil
Barbosa, Jenny Dantas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Espanha) Universidad Alcala de Henares (Espanha) Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) / Brasil
Rodrigues, Alcione Fonseca
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Espanha) Universidad Alcala de Henares (Espanha) Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) / Brasil

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 2, n. 17/18 (2012); 1109-1121


Resumo: This study deals with the evolution of the main tourist destinations in north-eastern Brazil. It aims to determine the role of public policies to expand the hotel chain and its impact on employment generation. The physical area of research is the State of Rio Grande do Norte, specifically micro regions of Natal and the south coast of that State. Information was collected through primary and secondary sources and through interviews with secretaries and technicians from state agencies and local tourism, hotel owners, hospitality associations, Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises - SEBRAE / RN, Executing Unit PRODETUR - UEE / RN and University Professors of tourism. The results included: public planning was essential to transform Natal and Pipa Beach receptors in major tourist centres, the creation of public infrastructure has contributed decisively to make this happen, especially that arising from PRODETUR investments with the NE-I , the combination of public and private effort was decisive to transform Pipa Beach in a national and international destination.