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Enoturismo de altitude de Santa Catarina: um estudo buscando identificar os atributos competitivos das empresas vinícolas
     Enoturismo de altitude de Santa Catarina: um estudo buscando identificar os atributos competitivos das empresas vinícolas

Panceri, Carolina Pretto
Università Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II – UNINA/Itália Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Bento Gonçalves – CEFET/BG
Rossetto, Carlos Ricardo
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC/SC-Brasil) Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI/SC-Brasil)
Silveira-Martins, Elvis
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI/SC – Brasil) Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL/RS – Brasil)

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 3, n. 17/18 (2012); 1235-1244


Resumo: The research focused on altitude wine region in the Midwest state of Santa Catarina, given the number of wineries in the region, natural landscape features of the producing areas, as well as the articulation of new parameters of available resources and competitiveness strategies used. The five wineries in the region were analyzed using exploratory and descriptive quantitative research through a questionnaire that investigated infrastructure, tourist destination, public policy, economics and sustainability of the region. The results obtained indicate that the wineries have good infrastructure and municipalities also offer various services to the visiting population. The tourist destinations (wineries) have specific infrastructures for visitors, services and attractions, such as visitation in foreign languages, and beautiful scenic landscapes. All companies are concerned with the sustainability of their business and act consciously in relation to the environment. In the economic analysis we realize the growth potential of the activity, because the number of visitors to the wineries is far below compared to other wine tourism regions. The results indicate limitations in the area of public policy because it lacks specific plans for tourism and support to existing destinations.