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The development of Tourism in Portugal by the 'Policy of the spirit' of António Ferro (1932-1949)
     The development of Tourism in Portugal by the 'Policy of the spirit' of António Ferro (1932-1949)

Félix Mariz, Vera
University of Lisbon

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 16 (2011); 35-48


Resumo: The thought of António Ferro, his estimated “política de espírito” expressed from 1932 and the action of SPN/SNI between 1939 and 1949, have driven a revolution in the Portuguese tourism. The tourism was understood as a powerful instrument of propaganda and nationalism’s herald, through the investment in the traditional, popular and scenic nature, basis of differentiation, which is essential in the competitive tourism market.