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Sujeito turístico e espaço turístico: possibilidades teórico-metodológicas para os estudos do turismo
     Sujeito turístico e espaço turístico: possibilidades teórico-metodológicas para os estudos do turismo

Valduga, Vander
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA)

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 1, n. 17/18 (2012); 481-492


Resumo: The present paper analyses some literature studies that have proposed to advance into the debate on touristic space and its formation. It especially analyses some studies that have had relevance in the Brazilian and South American context, presenting its contributions and scope. The central review of the paper is mainly related to the studies that have been characterised by the reductionist focus, i.e. in the relation between supply and demand or in the origin-connection-destination linear system, without a deeper debate on space and, consequently, on touristic space and its variables, with the process of touristification. In the same sense, the fact of not increasing the debate on the touristic space makes the dialectics between tourists and local residents, space and time, society and nature or supply and demand constant. The touristic subject, as an object of tourism studies, it is either not mentioned, or appears under the designation of demand. This paper makes the assumption that touristic subject and touristic space are inseparable and aims to increase this debate from a theoretical-methodological analysis proposition as a start for the studies that tourism has as its scope. It discusses the categories of the touristic subject and touristic space as well as its components, the touristic product, the idea of destiny and touristic territory. The considerations point to the necessity of increasing this debate in order not to incur into an analytical reductionism, the inseparability between subject, time and space and its complementarity with origin, connection and destination. They also pointed to the importance of understanding space as totality, with its implications and simultaneity and considered tourism as one of the possible manifestations in the territory.