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Hospitality and Immigration: characteristics of the scientific production published in Brazil (2002-2016)
     Hospitality and Immigration: characteristics of the scientific production published in Brazil (2002-2016)

Bastos, Sênia
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 26 (2016); 89-98


Resumo: This article codifies the knowledge about hospitality and immigration built on exploratory study performed on search websites such as “Portal de Periódicos - Capes” (Journals Portal - Capes), “Banco de Teses e Dissertações – Sucupira Plataform, Capes” (Bank of Theses and Dissertations – Plataforma Sucupira, Capes) and Google Scholar. This documentary research was guided by the content analysis of articles, books, chapters of books, theses and dissertations, based on the authorship, title, abstract, keywords and year (of publication or defense) in order to characterize the particularities of this scientific production published in Brazil. This study adopts the term Hospitality as an indexing category to classify 67 documents in four approaches and six dimensions. This research corpus involves diversity of aspects and meanings of hospitality associated with immigration. The approach to hospitality asan industry is situated in analysis related to hotel establishments and ethnic restaurants, reflecting an area trend; likewise, it expresses the political implications for the reception of immigrants, in addition to philosophical aspects concerning the field of ethics. Derrida is notably the main reference of thestudies, notwithstanding there is already indication of an attempt to understand hospitality inserted in a theoretical framework gestated in the country.