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Classication of hotels and accommodation services in digital times: A Critical analysis on Tripadvisor and
     Classication of hotels and accommodation services in digital times: A Critical analysis on Tripadvisor and

Ramos, Marcos Gonçalves
Federal Fluminense University

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 30 (2018); 111-124


Resumo: The present paper discuss a critical analysis on classification of hotels modes and accommodations types undertaken by online travel agencies (OTA's) like Tripadvisor and Statistical process to rank user's generated contents (UGC) shared on virtual networks as reviews and notes are compared to OTA's ranking process assigned to evaluate Hotels services. Three operational hotels classication methods are discussed from three comprehensive approaches: heuristics, functional and algorithmic classications. The sample findings indicate possible statistical distortions on the total amount of the reviews used to aggregate to rank hotels and accommodations as top lists in the OTA's commercial sites.