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What leads to higher paying jobs in Hotel Management: Gender, qualifications or mobility?
     What leads to higher paying jobs in Hotel Management: Gender, qualifications or mobility?

Blayney, Candace
Mount Saint Vincent University
Blotnicky, Karen
Mount Saint Vincent University

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 23 (2015); 81-90


Resumo: This research explored the correlation between gender, formal education, credentials, mobility, and general managers’ salaries in the Canadian hotel industry. The analysis confirmed that men are 3.85 times more likely to earn a salary greater than $90,000 than are female general managers. Managers with more frequent moves to obtain better positions were 1.3 times more likely to have a salary greater than $90,000. Completion of formal education programs or industry credentials was not correlated with such high salary levels. Research findings agree with previous literature that gender and mobility are important factors in achieving higher salary levels. However, the hypotheses related to credentials and education did not confirm the findings of previous research. This result may be due to the fact that education and credentials are related to career progression at lower levels of management or salary. This study fills a gap in the literature concerning career progression and salaries of general managers in the Canadian hotel industry.