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Percursos Pedestres, Levantamentos Estruturados em Qualidade e Aptidão – Modelo Experimental aplicado ao Concelho do Fundão
     Percursos Pedestres, Levantamentos Estruturados em Qualidade e Aptidão – Modelo Experimental aplicado ao Concelho do Fundão

Duarte, Sara Maria Monteiro
Universidade de Lisboa
Figueiredo, Diogo Francisco Caeiro
Universidade de Évora
Silva, José Ângelo Guerreiro da
Universidade de Lisboa

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 2, n. 13,14 (2010); 545-556


Resumo: The main goal for this study was to create a structured ecotouristic product in Fundão’s County proving, as it is mentioned in NTNP that it is possible to join preservation of natural values to adjusted touristic activities. Considering that evaluation/selection processes need choices, those had to be done by defining a group of criteria that could be applied to multicriteria analytic processes. Fundão’s territory was therefore divided into 4 Areas, each of them containing 3 pedestrian trails that were evaluated according to “Quality” and “Aptitude”. Two of these pedestrian trails presented a constraint behavior in what concerns to security issues, what, in an early stage, lead to its exclusion of the pedestrian trails net in Fundão. This way the Interpreted Pedestrian Trail Net in Fundão integrates 10 trails that were characterized, interpreted, marked on a GIS base and fully photographed.