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Hospitality as part of Brazilian Tourism Policy
     Hospitality as part of Brazilian Tourism Policy

Valduga, Manoela Carrillo
University of Aveiro
Aires, Jussara Danielle Martins
University of Aveiro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 29 (2018); 99-106


Resumo: This Paper aims to argue in favor of the approach between the construction of scientific knowledge and practice of tourism. Using public data available by the officials organizations responsible for standardization and measurement of displacements activated by tourism, the paper argue about the relevance of building a theoretical framework about hospitality and shows the expected practical and theoretical contributions to be reversed in tourism public policies in Brazil, a country where hospitality is the item most highly rated the international tourist demand. It is known that social reality is dynamic, multiple and changing, so difficult to be understanding, however, assuming that, there is not the illusion that a theoretical model and its application will resolve the international tourist trade balance in Brazil, but admits to build some knowledge that can lead to critical thinking, creative and intervening.