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Análise comparada das políticas públicas de turismo nos Governos de Getúlio Vargas (Brasil, 1930-1945) e Domingo Perón (Argentina, 1946-1951)
     Análise comparada das políticas públicas de turismo nos Governos de Getúlio Vargas (Brasil, 1930-1945) e Domingo Perón (Argentina, 1946-1951)

Guimarães, Valeria Lima
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Faculdade de Turismo e Hotelaria da Universidade Federal Fluminense
Diuana, Roberta
Universidade Federal Fluminense Universidade de Buenos Aires

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 1, n. 21/22 (2014); 375-382


Resumo: This work seeks to promote a dialogue between the history and the tourism knowledge, with the aim of investigating the state tourism policies of the Brazilian and Argentine governments, represented respectively by Vargas andPeron in the mid-twentieth century. The methodology is based on qualitative research, of bibliographic and documentary nature, from the perspective of comparison, having as main source documents produced within the state, Argentine and Brazilian journals specialized in tourism, and newspapers of wide circulation. Despite the differences between the two political regimes, tourism was used as a control mechanism of workers’ free time in Brazil and Argentina. The various segments of civil society, in turn, dealt with the different forms of tourism and their collective action contributed to the development of tourism by both countries during this period and the development of authoritarian nationalist policies by both governments.