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Turismo e mobilidade reduzida
     Turismo e mobilidade reduzida

Tomé, Marcello
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brasil

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 4, n. 21/22 (2014); 365-376


Resumo: The practice of tourism is wanted by a large portion of the world population. However, a significant portion of individuals cannot afford to benefit from the positive effects of tourism, and these individuals excluded or included precariously to that activity. These are expressed by persons with reduced mobility such as the elderly, people with disabilities, people with low or high stature, obese among others. To better understand the differences between the groups that make up part of the population with reduced mobility and the limiting factors for tourist enjoyment of these social groups, an exploratory research was conducted. A literature analysis of the current legislation on accessibility, analysis of books, articles and technical standards was carried out, seeking to answer the following question: which social groups comprise people with reduced mobility and the main difficulties faced by them for tourist enjoyment in urban spaces? Preliminary results of this research suggest the existence of different social groups with temporary and permanent disabled, besides indicating that cities like Rio de Janeiro have streets and buildings with unsatisfactory degree of accessibility.