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Customer Brand Identication and its inuence on customer's loyalty in the hotel industry: An empirical study
     Customer Brand Identication and its inuence on customer's loyalty in the hotel industry: An empirical study

Basílio, Catarina
Gustavo, Nuno

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 35 (2021); 201-215


Resumo: Customer Brand Identication is described by the customer's perception and feeling about a brand, by the way, it brings value and meets up to the customer's needs. The four drivers of CBI are Brand Self-Similarity (BSS), Brand Social Benefits (BSB), Brand Identity (BI), and Memorable Brand Experiences (MBE). The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of Customer Brand Identification (and, consequently, its drivers) on customer loyalty and its perception of hotel brands. Although the importance of CBI has already been recognized in some studies, its effects on customer loyalty in the hospitality context are still relatively unexplored. Investigations carried out in dierent business areas have produced inconsistent conclusions, creating the need to individually analyze the effects on the hospitality industry. Through marketing techniques, brands create their own identity and develop their product or service according to the needs and motivations of their customers. Satisfying customers and increasing their loyalty through memorable experiences and perceptions, has become more important than attracting new customers. A survey was used to understand and confirm that CBI, and all four of its dimensions, have a major influence on customer loyalty. This means, in the hotel industry, customers tend to look for brands that are distinct from their competitors, have an identity of their own, and close to their values, which enable positive social interactions and provide unique and memorable experiences. It was also possible to conclude that the client tends to behave more favorably towards the brand, spreading positive word of mouth and recommending brands that meet CBI conditions.