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Higher education in tourism, hospitality and leisure in Brazil: Analysis of the panorama of the courses offered facing the contemporary context
     Higher education in tourism, hospitality and leisure in Brazil: Analysis of the panorama of the courses offered facing the contemporary context

Mota, Keila
Universidade Estadual do Ceará
Almeida, Juliana
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 26 (2016); 65-77


Resumo: The movement of opening and closing of higher education courses in Brazil in recent years demonstrates that this century is being marked by the advent of a new technological paradigm and of a new industrial, commercial and service standard. The ongoing technological transformations have reached all spheres of human activity, basically in all parts of the world, whether or not countries are transferring their investments to new technologies, regardless of the area of knowledge in which theyare inserted, and whose area of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure in Brazil is not an exception. This article aims to observe and analyze the panorama of higher education courses in this area offered in Brazil, serving as the basis for further research. The study is characterized by a bibliographical and documentary research, with data collection conducted in August 2016, from the Ministry of Education (MEC) website, in order to identify the movement of the courses in the five regions of Brazil, basedon a similar survey performed in 2010, providing an updated national panorama. The results point out that there are 1,032 courses officially registered in Brazil, of which 164 are in the process of extinction and 22 are extinct. As for the modality, 97% are on-site attendance and are distributed practicallyin the same proportion in terms of typology, being 46.8% bachelor’s degree and 51.36% technological degree, located mostly (43.12%) in the Southeast of the country. This research updated the mapping of higher education courses in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure in Brazil, analyzing the situation in thecontemporary context and guide future studies in this area.