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Perfil e segmentação do visitante de festivais de vinho: o evento EV-Essência do Vinho – Porto
     Perfil e segmentação do visitante de festivais de vinho: o evento EV-Essência do Vinho – Porto

Santos, Ana Maria Ramires Príncipe dos
Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão
Sousa, Ana Cristina Correia de
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP)
Marques, Susana Regina
Universidade de Stirling Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 2, n. 21/22 (2014); 95-110


Resumo: This research is based on the study of the 10th edition of the event EV-Essência do Vinho, held at the Palácio da Bolsa, Porto, between February 7th and 10th, 2013. Its main purpose is to characterize and identify the visitor profile of the event, making a contribution to the under-researched area of wine festivals, events and wine tourism in Portugal. Drawing upon different models from the literature and using a survey methodology, the study identifies three major visitor segments that reflect different profiles in terms of sociographic data, business motivations, involvement with the world of wine, purchasing behaviour and consumption habits. This segmentation provides not only a conceptual tool, but also useful empirical insights that can help organizations in their decision-making process.