Publicações de Turismo
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Tourism Research in Austrália: An Estimate of Who and How Much
     Tourism Research in Austrália: An Estimate of Who and How Much

Scott, Noel
University of Queensland

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 2 (2004); 47-54


Resumo: Tourism, like other sectors of the economy, requires research and innovation in order to prosper. This paper seeks to provide basic information on tourism research in Austrália. Surprisingly, while there have been many articles in the tourism literature that call for research on numerous topics, the capacity of the tourism sector to obtain this research has not been examined. The findings of this research, based on a survey of Australian tourism research providers, indicate that approximately $25 million dollars was spent on tourism research in 1999/2000. A number of organizations were found to conduct tourism research with most research conducted by the govemment sector. In comparison to other sectors of the economy, tourism research appears under funded. A recent public private sector initiative, the formation of the Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism has partially addressed this deficiency.