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The tourist identity of the territory of the European Union: A Portuguese look
     The tourist identity of the territory of the European Union: A Portuguese look

Umbelino, Jorge
Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies
Filipe, Raúl
Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies
Amorim, Éricka
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar
Carranca, Maria Adelaide
Nova University of Lisbon

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 20 (2013); 99-110


Resumo: Tourism has been growing as an issue of the European policy. F or reasons that have as much to do with the internal evolution of the phenomena in the EU, but as well as the advent of strong external competitive destinations, it is important to reflect about the relations that can be established between: a) the emergence of a European Union territory as a single tourism destination; b) the management of tourism supply in the sub-destinations and the devices connected to their demand.The result of consulting a panel of experts shows that the understanding of the consequences for Portugal of promoting the European Union territory as a single tourist product is not consensual in what regards to the positive and negative effects of this policy and the subjects that embody their opinions.On the other hand, the information gathered through a survey made to the Portuguese people about the importance of choosing a certain tourism destination based on the fact of being or not inside the European Union territory shows that only indirect features are taken into consideration (i.e. no need of visas, common currency and sometimes the distance).