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Nature for All Initiative: Universal Access to Portuguese Protected Areas
     Nature for All Initiative: Universal Access to Portuguese Protected Areas

Santo, Ricardo Espírito

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 11 (2009); 81-94


Resumo: Parks and Natural Reserves as protected areas are some of the best landscapes that provide an opportunity to connect with nature. It is for this purpose that the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity (Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade) built some facilities in protected areas. These, however, are not designed to accommodate the needs of the diverse population, with its varied capacities and constraints.Natural spaces, Leisure activities and Nature Tourism improve the quality of life and promotes equal opportunities for all citizens. The main purpose of the Nature for All initiative is to guide the process of developing Universal Access to natural space and invigorate the enjoyment and nature experience of all visitors. The guiding principles of this initiative include the promotion of transversality, multiplication of incentive measures by some entities in other areas, improvement and utilization of installed capacity, the realization of public-private partnerships, proper guidance through legislation and promotion of European cohesion and value creation through innovation. The partnership between actors and donors is the key element in implementing this initiative, including the maintenance operations of the structures in a timely and qualified manner.