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Os promotores do TER – Motivações, perfil, objetivos e ações de marketing
     Os promotores do TER – Motivações, perfil, objetivos e ações de marketing

Jesus, Lúcia de
Universidade de Aveiro Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu Membro da Unidade de Investigação GOVCOPP
Kastenholz, Elisabeth
Universidade de Aveiro Membro da Unidade de Investigação GOVCOPP
Figueiredo, Elisabete
Universidade de Aveiro Membro da Unidade de Investigação GOVCOPP

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 3, n. 17/18 (2012); 1371-1386


Resumo: This study investigates the characteristics, motivations and objectives of promoters of rural tourism and the marketing activities undertaken in their respective enterprises. The sample consists of promoters of rural tourism enterprises (RTE) in two rural interior regions of Portugal. The vast majority of the promoters is over forty-four years old, educated and devotes little time to managing their enterprise. Conserving their property will have been a main reason for having started enterprise. It is clear that most of the promoters wants the activity to grow at least to a certain extent. However, marketing activities are disregarded by the promoters, with those who are not concerned in setting economic goals those who disregard marketing the most.