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A situação dos intermediários turísticos face à ameaça dos canais de reserva directos
     A situação dos intermediários turísticos face à ameaça dos canais de reserva directos

Abranja, Nuno Alexandre
Universidade de Aveiro Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas
Costa, Carlos
University of Surrey Universidade de Aveiro
Martins, João Félix
University of Surrey Universidade do Algarve

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 2, n. 13,14 (2010); 843-852


Resumo: This article aims at finding the preferences of the Portuguese tourists in what concerns their travel bookings. The study starts with an introduction that helps to understand the empiric work. Then, one present the primary data that was collected through a questionnaire in order to identify the preferences for travel reservation channels and the reasons for their choice.