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Investigación y Producción de Conocimiento Turístico en España y Europa
     Investigación y Producción de Conocimiento Turístico en España y Europa

Castillo Nechar, Marcelino
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Tomillo Noguero, Félix
Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (Valladolid - España)
García Gómez, Francisco José
Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (Valladolid - España)

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 1, n. 13/14 (2010); 363-371


Resumo: The article presents the situation that keeps the Spanish and European tourism research between 2000 and 2008 from a study conducted in August 2008 to June 2009 in Spain, but it does not skip a retrospective approach to recognize the paths and trends of tourism research in this region of the world.Despite the progress made concerning the tourism research in Spain and Europe, efforts are not sufficient to give a turn to the European tourism education and research persisting unclear ideas and guidelines put off construction of objects of tourism focusing on visions disciplinary and multidisciplinary in on inter-and transdisciplinary. It is a compelling obligation to make the tourism research in Spain and in Europe a central axis to transcend both in higher education, as in basic research, applied, or experimental technology development and innovation.