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A acessibilidade à interpretação para deficientes visuais em museus de Lisboa
     A acessibilidade à interpretação para deficientes visuais em museus de Lisboa

Mesquita, Susana Maria Vasconcelos
Universidade de Aveiro Instituto Superior de Assistentes e Intérpretes
Carneiro, Maria João
Universidade de Aveiro Membro da Unidade de Investigação GOVCOPP

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 3, n. 17/18 (2012); 1441-1452


Resumo: People with visual impairments feel the same needs and desires to participate in tourism as those designed as normal public. However, this task represents an increased challenge for this group, since our society is thought, mostly, for the people who have no deficiencies.In a world with lots of visual stimuli is necessary to implement strategies that enable people with visual impairments to enjoy the world they live in. The need to eliminate architectural, sensory and social barriers, acquires an added importance for promoting the integration of this public. Museums, essential resources for the dissemination of culture, have an important role in social inclusion of this group.The main objective of this paper is to analyse the implementation of strategies for improving the accessibility to interpretation of Lisbon museums for people with visual impairments. It was found that the strategies aimed at improving accessibility to interpretation for the general public are already being implemented in most of the visited areas. However, it was observed that there are still many shortcomings in terms of creating the necessary conditions so that people with visual impairments may enjoy visiting the museums analysed.