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Assessment of development potential at the local level - A proposed methodology applied to the municipality of Ílhavo
     Assessment of development potential at the local level - A proposed methodology applied to the municipality of Ílhavo

Breda, Zélia
University of Aveiro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 1 (2004); 35-42


Resumo: The elaboration of strategic guidelines for the tourism sector should be based on the set of tourist resources that sustain, or can sustain, the tourism development in any given place. Simultaneously, it should be taken into consideration the demand, actual or effective and potential, for that set of tourist resources. The interaction between the supply (the static element), and the demand (the dynamic element of the conceptual framework of tourism), results in a consequential element that should be regarded when preparing a development strategy: the impacts of tourism. This article, aiming to present the methodology followed in the evaluation of tourism development potential at the local level, tries to highlight these three elements of the tourism conceptual framework.