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Financiamento das unidades hoteleiras – determinantes do custo associado
     Financiamento das unidades hoteleiras – determinantes do custo associado

Martins, Aida Maria de Brito
Universidade da Beira Interior Instituto Politécnico da Guarda Unidade para o Desenvolvimento do Interior

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 2, n. 17/18 (2012); 757-769


Resumo: During the course of its normal activities or investments, hotels need financial resources. According to their origin, these resources can be grouped into two categories: internal and external. With regard to external financing, one of the leading factors in the choice of sources is the associated cost, which reaches, in some cases, a high value, reducing or even canceling the profitability of hotels. The stipulation of the cost of financing to this sector of tourism, by banks, has several underlying factors.This article has as main objective to study the determinants of the cost of external financing, the variables considered by banks in the provision of the spread. Further aim of this paper is also to identify performance indicators, financial and non-financial, used by hotels, which should contribute to improved business performance and must therefore reduce the cost of financing