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The MIT project - a cross-border collaboration initiative concerning accessibility
     The MIT project - a cross-border collaboration initiative concerning accessibility

Katenholz, Elisabeth
University of Aveiro
Carvalho, Filipe
Pinho, Cláudia
University of Aveiro
Azevedo, Joana
University of Aveiro

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; n. 11 (2009); 125-137


Resumo: The project 'MIT - Mobility, Innovation and Territory' aims to promote the valorization of the territorial reality of the regions of Castilla y León in Spain and the Central Region in Portugal, through collaborative initiatives. Between 2006 and 2008, these regions carried out a diagnostic work and identified development strategies in six areas of intervention, including tourism. This article explores the link between the work areas as fundamental for the success of a strategic proposal for territorial development. This work intends to present the project, its objectives and value for the development of the two territories. Emphasis is given to the tourism sector, which is aimed to analyze the potential in the two territories, that can be explored in a cross-border cooperation perspective. In this context, we intend to reflect on the relevance of accessibility in cross-border tourism dynamics.The access of 'everyone' for their right to enjoy tourist experiences in analyzed territories is fundamental for the project promoters and for the competitive positioning of this destination in the context of international tourism. The accessibility of territories is extremely relevant for tourism. It is expected to boost and leverage tourism through the appreciation and promotion of the territorial realities of Portugal’s Central Region and Castilla y León with the collaboration between actors from both territories, and based on the dynamization of the 'Irún-Portugal' axis.