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Por detrás do Douro como destino turístico: Explorando o envolvimento e as perceções dos residentes
     Por detrás do Douro como destino turístico: Explorando o envolvimento e as perceções dos residentes

Pato, Lúcia
Universidade de Aveiro Instituto Politécnico de Viseu Colaboradora da Unidade de Investigação GOVCOPP

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 3, n. 21/22 (2014); 295-304


Resumo: This research analyses the involvement and perceptions of the residents in relation to tourism held in Douro. Although the region is known for having a touristic heritage of excellence, the research reveals that the contact between residents and tourists is scarce and the involvement of the residents with tourism-related activities is nearly non-existent. The local residents seem to have very few benefits from tourist activities, and do not develop positive perceptions related to these activities. In contrast, the residents display that tourism only benefits a small number of local people. These facts suggest the low integration of the residents in tourism and therefore put in evidence the gap between theory (that refers to the need of the community’s integration) and practice. With the purpose of the touristic development in a more sustainable way and given the importance of community integration in tourism, it is suggested that the evidences previously mentioned should be taken into consideration.