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Limits of acceptable change of ecotourism in Punta del Este, Isla de la Juventud (Cuba)
     Limits of acceptable change of ecotourism in Punta del Este, Isla de la Juventud (Cuba)
     Límites en la capacidad de carga de visitantes de ecoturismo en Punta del Este, Isla Juventud (Cuba)

Crispin Castellanos, Douglas
Berovidez Álvarez, Vicente
Marín Clemente, Jorge
García Ucha, Francisco Enrique
Fernández-Truan, Juan Carlos

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 13: Enero-Junio; 96-113


Resumo: The aim of this research is to study the carrying capacity or limits of acceptable change with respect to the number of visitors that an ecotourism activity in a specific area can bear so as to contribute to environmental conservation through sustainable development. The area chosen for this study corresponds to the southern region of Isla de la Juventud (Cuba); particularly in the so-called Punta Este. A mixed methodology was used, combining different descriptive methods: Analytic-Synthetic and logical abstract methods, as well as the experimental analysis based on the method developed by Cifuentes in 1992 and improved in 1999. The principal contribution of this work is to provide data on the maximum visitor impact, or the carrying capacity that this area can bear as a result of the ecotourism walking tours undertaken by domestic and international tourists. This research aims to analyse the financial gains that these types of activities can provide, maintaining their sustainable economic nature without causing negative impacts to the environment so that future generations can enjoy and admire the beauty of the existing natural resources.