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The tourist configuration of urban-rural peripheries through government strategies. The case of Xochimilco, Mexico City
     The tourist configuration of urban-rural peripheries through government strategies. The case of Xochimilco, Mexico City
     La configuración turística de las periferias urbano-rurales mediante estrategias gubernamentales. El caso de Xochimilco, Ciudad de México

Pérez Galicia, Alejandra
Pérez Campuzano, Enrique
Delgado Campos, Genaro Javier

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 17: Enero-Junio; 126-148


Resumo: The implementation of activities in the outskirts of Mexico City is a phenomenon that has been taking place for more than a century. However, the dynamics of these activities have been modified by the social needs of space and by the effects of urban expansion. The study is based on the analysis of tourism territoriality and its urbanizing effects, phenomena that are visible in the urban-rural periphery of Mexico City, especially in the municipality of Xochimilco, which is experiencing urban, economic, social and environmental conflicts as a result of this phenomenon. This paper presents a historical review of the strategies that have driven tourism in Xochimilco, it concludes with a reflection on the future of the urban peripheries.