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Evaluation of landscape and historical resources for the development of nature tourism in the areas of public use of the Pico Bayamesa National Park.
     Evaluation of landscape and historical resources for the development of nature tourism in the areas of public use of the Pico Bayamesa National Park.
     Evaluación de los recursos paisajísticos e históricos para el desarrollo del turismo de naturaleza en las zonas de uso público del Parque Nacional Pico Bayamesa

Ramón Puebla, Adonis Maikel
Salinas Chávez, Eduardo
Millán Escriche, Mercedes
Labrada Vega, Osiris
Rosales Espinosa, Yordanis

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 19: Enero-Junio; 213-239


Resumo: This paper deals with the evaluation of the current proposal concerning Pico Bayamesa National Park public usage.  This usage is in the 2017-2021 Management Plan.  It covers activities for each of the park’s proposed areas. along with proposed options for additional development.  The paper looks at the viability of nature tourism using a variety of indicators. The paper also includes a summary of strategies for tourism development in protected and public use areas.  It looks at current trail proposals taking into account these trails characteristics and the degree of attractiveness.  The evaluation uses a variety of methodologies including: inventory listings and degree of the trail’s attractiveness. Other indicators that are examines are trail accessibility, tits conservation status, type of usage and the quality and quantity of this usage. The paper includes finally a new proposal of public use areas and possible trails for this protected area.