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The tourist revaluation of Spain’s Jewish heritage: Its neighbourhoods and wine
     The tourist revaluation of Spain’s Jewish heritage: Its neighbourhoods and wine
     La revalorización turística del patrimonio judío en España. Sus barrios y su vino

Prat Forga, Josep Maria
Cànoves Valiente, Gemma

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 11: Enero-Junio; 52-71


Resumo: The Jewish communities had an important presence in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the Middle Ages. Today, considering the new motivations and expectations of tourists and visitors, cultural tourism has been or is becoming consolidated, especially in the inland regions of the country. For this reason, the Network of Spanish Jewish Quarters has promoted the design of a series of tourist products that enable visitors to learn about the Jewish quarters of 24 cities, their principal monuments, history and culture. In addition, visitors can visit the wineries, where wine is made and marketed following the Kosher method. In this article, the factors that have the greatest impact on the satisfaction of tourists in these dual purpose visits are studied through personal interviews.