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Surf tourism: a review of new lines and topics of research (2012-2018)
     Surf tourism: a review of new lines and topics of research (2012-2018)
     Turismo de surf: revisión de nuevas líneas y temáticas de investigación (2012-2018)

Valencia, Luis
Osorio García, Maribel
Serrano Barquín, Rocío del Carmen

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 20: Julio-Diciembre; 215-238


Resumo: Nowadays surf tourism is a phenomenon of great relevance worldwide, in which millions of tourists move in order to ride the perfect wave, improve their skills, learn the sport or simply appreciate it. Although the particular characteristics of this tourism niche have been recognized, little attention has been received by the academy as a social phenomenon and therefore little is known about the state of knowledge surrounding surf tourism. In this sense, the main goal of this document is present the research lines that have emerged around surfing tourism within the 2012-2018 period through a content analysis of the scientific articles published in both, English and Spanish. From the analysis, five main lines were obtained: 1) The surfer; 2) Local development and sustainability; 3) Impacts of surf tourism; 4) Identity and gender; 5) History of surfing and stakeholders. This review also allowed to identify authors, universities and countries that have addressed to a greater extent issues related to surf tourism, as well as, those knowledge gaps that still persist in this field of research in.