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Energy efficiency and sustainability in sun and beach hotels in Northeast Mexico
     Energy efficiency and sustainability in sun and beach hotels in Northeast Mexico
     Eficiencia energética y sustentabilidad en hoteles de sol y playa en el noreste de México

Jaramillo Escobedo, José Vicente
Luyando Cuevas, José Raúl
Guzowski, Carina
Zabaloy, María Florencia

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 18: Julio-Diciembre; 42-70


Resumo: The objective of this paper is to assess whether the tourist offer in hotels in the municipalities surrounding Tampico, Madero and Altamira, in the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico, contemplates energy efficiency measures so as to graduallyensure more sustainable tourist stays in the area. To achieve this, surveys were conducted among a representative sample of the hotels affiliated to the Association of Hotels of the South of Tamaulipas A.C. The findings reveal that few of these hotels are carrying out substantial actions to reduce energy consumption through international practices of energy efficiency and, therefore, there is an urgent need to implement policies that support or stimulate these types of practices in the area studied.