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Relationship between holiday and leisure expenditure and variables related to the household life cycle and demographic, geographic and economic characteristics
     Relationship between holiday and leisure expenditure and variables related to the household life cycle and demographic, geographic and economic characteristics
     Relación del gasto en ocio y vacaciones con variables del ciclo de vida del hogar, demográficas, geográficas y económicas

Portilla, Idoia
Díaz de Rada, Vidal
Abascal Fernández, Elena

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 11: Enero-Junio; 72-95


Resumo: Household expenditure on leisure and holidays is related to the demographic, geographic and economic characteristics of the household or the main breadwinner. The type of household can also affect the level of spending on leisure, and this classification of households can be made with models of the household life cycle (HLC). In this paper, the software SPAD is used to apply the methodology of the characterisation of the variable. The purpose is to analyse the explanatory power of twelve variables with regard to spending in seven categories of the 'Leisure, performances and culture' group, gathered by the “Encuesta de presupuestos Familiares” in Spain. The study confirms the advisability of considering variables such as the number of dependents for the segmentation of consumers of leisure and holidays, but not more complicated variables based on the HLC theory.